AL-ḤAMDU LILLĀH a successful Meeting of REAP delegation led by Mr. Muhammad Anwar Mianoor, Senior Vice Chairman REAP with Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput, Chief Secretary Sindh along with Secretary Food, Secretary Agriculture, Secretary Irrigation etc. to discuss following matters : -To form a joint Committee of Sindh Govt & REAP’s Representatives on Agriculture particularly rice related policies. - To introduce high yielding rice seeds to growers - To make Dokri Centre as “Centre of Excellence” with collaboration of IRRI Philippine and Chinese Rice Research Institute - Support to advertise Financial schemes of State Bank & Sindh Govt and share with REAP for circulation to All Members - Introduce subsidized Mechanical Farming services to growers And other very productive initiatives were agreed between REAP and Chief Secretary for the betterment of Rice Trade and Industry.