Chairman REAP Ali Hussam Asghar led a delegation of Rice Exporters to visit Soil Salinity Reserch Institute Pindi Bhatian to take briefing on New Basmati Extra Long Grain Variety Al Khalid. Former Chairman Malik Jahangir, Former Chairman Ch Shafiq, Former VC Taufiq Khan, MC Member Ali Narang, Waqas Azhar Mazco, Saeed Aslam Iqbal Rice Chiniot accompanied. A comprehensive Presentation was given by Mr Khalid Cheif Scientist and Breeder of the new Variety. Its yield per acre is 60 maunds per acre as per breeder and it gives 15% higher yield than 1121. AGL is 10 mm whereas 1121 is 8.3 mm. The Stiff stem of Al Khalid makes it also suitable for lodging resistance & mechanical harvesting. It is also suitable for Saline agriculture. Chairman REAP and REAP members assured the Institute of full support to promote this new variety and appreciated efforts of the Scientists. Discussion was also done on other coming up varieties of 9mm and above.