VISIT OF H.E. SOULEYMANE KONE, AMBASSADOR OF BURKINA FASO TO REAP HOUSE KARACHI – 30/04/2019 His Excellency, Souleymane kone, Ambassador of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta, a landlocked country in West Africa) along with Mr. Bassirou Zoma, 2nd Consul General of Burkina Faso and Mr. Saifur Rehman, Honorary Consul of Burkina Faso in Karachi have paid a visit to Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan Karachi Office. During this meeting, Mr. Safder Mehkri, Chairman REAP, Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo, & Mr. Rafique Suleman Former Chairmen REAP, Ashfaq Ghaffar, Abdul Qayum Paracha, Members of Managing Committee, Mr. Chela Ram Former Senior Vice Chairman REAP as well as a large number of Rice exporters were present. H.E. Ambassador of Burkina Faso thanked REAP leadership for giving them opportunity to meet with the Pakistani rice exporters. He said that Pakistani rice is liked by the people of Burkina Faso, however, there is no direct import of Pakistani rice. He requested Chairman REAP to send a trade delegation of rice exporters to Burkina Faso to explore the market. In this regard, he and his Embassy will provide all necessary assistance. Mr. Safder Mehkri, Chairman REAP thanked H.E. Ambassador of Burkina Faso to visit REAP House Karachi and hold meetings with rice exporters. He said that there is no direct banking channel for payment for exports to Burkina Faso. He requested Ambassador to play his role to resolve this issue by coordinating with the concerned ministries of both the countries. He added that Pakistani rice exporters are ready to visit Burkina Faso. Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo, Former Chairman REAP thanked Ambassador of Burkina Faso and his team for meeting with Pakistani rice exporters. He added that REAP trade delegation can tentative visit Burkina Faso in the month of August 2019. He was hopeful that after the visit of REAP trade delegation to Burkina Faso, bilateral trade will be increased and particularly rice exports to Burkina Faso will also get a boast which will be instrumental for fetching valuable foreign exchange to our beloved country.