REAP’S 5 YEAR PLAN IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED: MOHAMMADMIAN SOOMRO MOU WILL SOON BE SIGNED BETWEEN REAP & PIA: AIR MARSHAL ARSHAD MALIK These statements were given during a reception was arranged by Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) in honour of Mohammad Mian Soomro, Federal Minister for Privatization and Air Marshal Arshad Malik, President & Chief Executive, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) at REAP House Karachi today. During the meeting prominent rice exporters Ashfaq Ghaffar, Muhammad Raza, Jawed Jillani, Jawed Ali Ghori, Chela Ram, Abdul Rafiq, Abdul Rauf Shivani as well as Senior Vice President FPCCI, Dr. Mirza Ikhtiar Baig, Abdul Sami Khan, Shah Nawaz Ishtiaq, Yahya Polani, High Officials of PIA & a large number of print & media persons were present. Abdul Rahim Janoo in his welcome address expressed with pleasure that we have achieved our target of US$ 2 Billion during this financial year 2018-19. He said that rice export sector is the only sector which is working without any financial support from government. He appreciated the sincere efforts of Mohammadmian Soomro for the betterment of rice export trade and gathered all the stake holders of rice sector under one platform. He always supported REAP during all his tenure as Chairman Senate, President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan and Governor Sindh and we take his guidance from time to time. He informed PIA Team that REAP members frequently travel domestically and internationally and they are pure nationalist and prefer National Airline. He requested MD PIA to formulate some special package for REAP members who are frequent traveler and suggested to sign a Memorandum of Understating (MOU) between REAP & PIA which will be beneficial for both the organizations. Muhammad Raza, Managing Committee Member REAP apprised the House about the recent working of REAP. He added that many REAP members has started working towards back ward integration and bringing better yield rice seeds and most modern rice machinery in pre and post harvesting of rice. Air Marshal Arshad Malik in his address said that it is the blessings of Almighty Allah that his efforts are become result oriented. He and his team is very optimistic and sincerely working for the betterment of PIA and soon we will see our National Airline among Top Air LInes, as we were in past. He was agreed to sign MOU between REAP & PIA and gave the task to his team to finalize the MOU in next one week. Mohammadmian Soomro in his presidential address said that a huge talent and potential is there in our country and if we make long term planning and working with honesty and sincerity, we will be able to achieve all our goals. He highly inspired with the REAP’s 5 year plan for making rice exports to US$ 5 Billion in next 5 years. He extended his well wishes for the achievement of REAP’s vision. In the end, REAP Mementos were present to both the honourable guest and scrumptious lunch was served to all the guests.