RICE EXPORTERS SHOWS SOLIDARITY WITH PEOPLE OF KASHMIR This statement was given by the Office Bearers and Members of Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) during independence ceremonies organized by REAP in all its offices at Lahore, Karachi & Quetta. Abdul Rahim Janoo, Former Chairman expressed his views that we are with Pakistan government and Kashmiri people in this challenging situation. We strongly condemn the act of Indian government to eliminate rule 370 to abolish the Kashmir status. He presented a Resolution from REAP for adoption that all REAP members are with the brothers and sisters of Kashmir and we are ready to extend every possible support. Safder Hussain Mehkri, Chairman REAP said that we all are upset in this situation and we stand solidarity with Kashmir in this difficult situation. He added that Indian is doing a big mistake to disturb the current harmony and creating the same situation which was internally spread in Pakistan in the era of 1980’s time and we had to face hard results of terrorism, suicide bombing etc. we need to address the fascism at all level. Ali Hussam Asghar: Independence Day celebrations were held at REAP Office Lahore. Mr. Ali Hussam Asghar, Senior Vice Chairman REAP, Mr. Shahzad Ali Malik Former Chairman REAP cut the cake and prayed for prosperity of Pakistan and freedom of Kashmir. MC members of REAP were also present on this occasion. Shahzad Ali Malik: It was really a good day. We celebrated Pakistan Independence Day at REAP Office with many good personalities. I pray to almighty Allah to bless our beloved countryand give freedom to Kashmir. Pir Syed Nazim Hussain Shah: It was a good function arranged at REAP Lahore and Karachi Office for Independence Day celebrations. Independence Day is actually a dark day this time because of Kashmir issue. We pray for our brothers and sisters in Kashmir. We stand with them. May Allah help them. Amen Mr. Chela Ram former Senior Vice Chairman REAP commented that we are gathered herew to show our solidairyt with the people of Kashmir. We are always with them and we will always raise our voices in future as well for our Kashmiri brothers. We want Indian to stop the act of barbarism in held Kashmir. On behalf of REAP, we request Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chief Army Staff of Pakistan and All Pakistani concerned that we are ready to support every action by Pakistani government in this regard. Mr. Abdul Rashid Jan Muhammad, Managing Committee Member expressed his views that it is a matter of pleasure of independence & on the other side it is also sad that Kashmiri people are facing severe hardships. He suggested to first we should make our house in order and make ourselves strong enough, as nobody will pick our hand in this crucial time. Since last 25-30 years Indian has made him strong to do whatever they want. Mr. Anis Majeed, Chairman KWGA said that we are with the people of Kashmir and we will support Pakistani government to make 15th August as “Black Day” to show the solidarity with Kashmiri people. He requested Pakistani government & opposition to be united and we also want other nations of the world to support Kashmir. Mr. Muhammad Amjad, a senior REAP Member expressed greetings of independence day and said that Indian made a big mistake and give opportunity to Kashmiri people to take their right and Insha Allah they will soon get freedom. Mr. Subhan Malik said that being a Muslim it was our negligence that nothing was done for Kashmiri people and they are facing challenges since last 70 years. He requested Pakistani government & Chief of Army Staff to give us weapon and we are ready to fight along with Pakistani Army in Kashmir. Mr. Khalid Paracha suggested that we should stop blaming each other and we need to work for our today and future. We need to make our positive image and fight our battle by ourselves, as no one will come with us. Mr. Ashfaq Ghaffar, Treasurer REAP expressed his views that being a rice exporters we should struggle hard to bring more foreign exchange in our country. Besides we should also follow rules of law in our country to eliminate corruption at all levels, make our country clean & green. Mr. Jawed Jillani, Managing Committee Member congrats all for independence day. He added that REAP members can help our country by working with honesty and following good practices and avoid anything which is against ethics and rules of law.