1ST MEETING OF FPCCI COMMITTEE ON RICE HELD TODAY Rafique Suleman, Convener, FPCCI Standing Committee on Rice Committee called 1st meeting of his Committee Today at Federation House, Karachi. This meeting was presided by leader of Business community Janab S.M. Muneer and Abdul Rahim Janoo. This meeting was attended by Engr. Daru Khan Achakzai, President FPCCI, Safder Mehkri, Chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan, Jawed Jillani & Muhammad Raza, Members of REAP’s Managing Committee along with prominent rice exporters, Muzammil Chappal, Mahesh Talreja, Faisal Anis Majeed, Fuad Garib, Salman Paraca and a large numbers of rice exporters were also present. During the matter various matters related to rice export trade have been discussed. S.M. Munir in his address said that he always gave preference to rice export trade which is the 2nd largest export trade of Pakistan. He assured all rice exporters that FPCCI will continue to support and resolve all the issues related to rice export trade. Abdul Rahim Janoo said that REAP is going to organize a Grand Biryani Festival at Sindh Governor House in this month. Further, we are also planning to organize a Biryani Festival at Johannesburg (South Afriuca) in End of March 2019, and all the diplomats in South Africa as well as a large number of Rice Importers will be invited in this Biryani Festival to promote Pakistani rice. it is pertinent to note that South Africa is a major market of Parboiled rice approx. 1.0 Million Tons, wherein Pakistan’s share is negligible. He was hopeful that after this event, rice export to South Africa will take a boast. Safder Mehkri, Chairman REAP informed the participants about the recent activities of REAP. He apprised that after the successful event of Rice Conference at Larkana, REAP is working on projects which will lead to double the rice production in next five years and we are hopeful that in next five years till 2023 we will be able to increase the rice exports of Pakistan upto US$ 5 Billion. He urged that support of Provincial and Federal Government will be instrumental to achieve the target. Rafique Suleman thanked all participants for attending this meeting. He informed that after the above two festivals, we will also organize another Biryani Festival at FPCCI. He was happy to inform that with the consistent efforts of REAP and Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, Indonesia has offered market access to Pakistani rice and in this regard a Notification has already been issued. He further informed that soon Trade Delegations of rice exporters will visit various countries for the promotion and marketing of Pakistani rice.