2nd MEETING OF FPCCI COMMITTEE ON RICE HELD TODAY Rafique Suleman, Convener, FPCCI Standing Committee on Rice Committee called 2nd meeting of his Committee Today at Federation House, Karachi. This meeting was presided by Abdul Rahim Janoo, Former SVP FPCCI & Former Chairman REAP. This meeting was attended by Muslim Muhammadi, Vice President FPCCI, Safder Mehkri, Chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan, Muhammad Raza, Member REAP’s Managing Committee along with prominent rice exporters, Faisal Anis, Shiraz Shaikh, Sufiyan Rahim, and a large numbers of rice exporters were also present. During the matter various matters related to rice export trade have been discussed. Rafique Suleman thanked all participants for attending this meeting. He congratulated the newly Un-opposed elected Members of Managing Committee and nominated Office Bearers for the tenure 2019-2020 for Shahjahan Malik as Chairman REAP, Muhammad Raza Amjad as Senior Vice Chairman and Abdul Wali Khan as Vice Chairman REAP. He was glad to inform that we are observing good results of REAP Rice Conference Larkana (Nov 2018) and after the successful Conference few rice exporters are also engaged in Backward integration and working towards Rice Research & Development work. They are importing latest and modern rice machineries and equipment such as Harvester for improving farm practices. He was very hopeful that after these efforts we will be able to overcome the gaps in supply chain and with the improved farm practices we will be to get good rice crop. He was pleased to inform the House that rice exports target were achieved successfully during fiscal year 2018-2019. He also shared that Kenya which has been the largest destination for Pakistani Non Basmati rice, faced some issues last year. However, this year we see good exports from Pakistan to Kenya. He suggested to send REAP’s trade delegations to West African countries, Azerbaijan and Jordan being the potential market for Pakistani rice. Abdul Rahim Janoo appreciated the services of Muslim Muhammadi Vice President FPCCI for the patronage and betterment of rice export trade. He informed that due to the recent financial crunch many rice exporters are also facing defaults. He therefore, suggested to make an Arbitration Commission led by Muslim Muhammad to intervene these issues and extend his support to resolve them amicably. He suggested the names of Safder Mehkri, Rafique Suleman, Muhammad Raza and Faisal Anis as a members of Committee. Safder Mehkri, Chairman REAP drew the attention of the committee towards the gaps in rice value chain and urged them to make our own house in order. He suggested to give preference in REAP delegations to those members who are doing value addition in rice export trade. He was of the view the all Pakistani Agricultural sectors are facing same challenges, however, Government of Pakistan is appreciating rice export sector for its due role in fetching valueable foreign exchange without any financial subsidy from government. Muslim Muhammad, Vice President FPCCI also appreciate the role of Abdul Rahim Janoo for the betterment of rice export trade and said that under his able guidance, Safder Mehkri, Chairman REAP and Rafique Suleman, Former Chairman REAP are putting their efforts to improve rice export sector. He assured his full cooperation to resolve the issues and problems of rice export sector.