On the invitation of Mr. Chela Ram Kewlani, Chairman REAP and Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo, Ex-Chairman REAP, H.E. Jagat Abeywarna, Consul General of Sri Lanka along with his team visited REAP House, Karachi Today. The said luncheon meeting was also attended by MC Member, Mr. Asif Ali Shaikh, Mr. Salman Paracha, Mr. Muzzammil Rauf, Dr. Muhammad Hafeez, Ex-Chairman, Mr. Rafique Suleman, Ex-MC Member, Mr. Kazim Khandwala, Mr. Jawed Jilani, Mr. Abdul Rasheed Janmohammad, Mr. Sheeraz Ahmed Shaikh, Mr. Mahesh Raja Manglani, Mr. Faisal Masood Choudhary, Mr. Faisal Anis, Member and a large number of leading rice exporters. Mr. Chela Ram in his welcome address expressed that Pakistan maintains extremely friendly and cooperative relations with all rice buying countries. Pakistan has always been a reliable and trustworthy supplier of rice and has played a significant role in food security. India, occasionally impose restrictions on their rice exports, but Pakistan has never halted its rice exports to its trading partner nations. Sri Lanka and Pakistan are enjoying friendly relations based on mutual respect and cooperation. He is hopeful that Pakistani rice export trade will achieve historic $ $ Billion during this fiscal year 2023-24. Addressing the gathering, Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo expressed his great pleasure that we are also celebrating Silver Jubilee of our Association, as REAP was established in 1999 and since 1999 to 2024, i.e. 25 years of consistent struggle, dedication, and excellence. He congratulated REAP members on reaching the remarkable milestone! Celebrating Silver Jubilee of our Association, he also requested H.E. Consul General to request Ministry of Commerce, Sri Lanka to announce rice quota under FTA for the year 2024. His Excellency, Consul General of Sri Lanka expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and said that we will mutually identify the issues and will take necessary steps to resolve the same. We will take our Sri Lankan Government authorities on board to resolve issues for the benefit of rice exporters from Pakistan to Sri Lanka. In the end, Chairman REAP, Mr. Chela Ram Kewlani, Former Chairman REAP, Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo presented REAP’s Shield and Souvenirs to H.E. Consul General of Sri Lanka.