REAP THANKS GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN FOR RELEASE OF RICE CONTAINERS AT KENYA This statement was given by Chela Ram Kewlani, Chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) while address a Press Conference Today at REAP House, Karachi. He informed that Pakistani rice exporters sent shipment of Pakistani rice to Kenya, whereas deadline for duty free rice was 6th April 2024. Due to the recent situation of Red Sea, shipping companies take diverted route to Kenya, which took extra days to reach Mombasa port at Kenya. Approx. 1300 containers of rice (34,611 M/Tons) were stuck at Kenyan ports. REAP timely intervene in the matter and Mr. Rafique Suleman, Convener, REAP’s Committee on Kenya urgently flew to Kenya and with the support of Pakistan High Commission at Nairobi (Kenya) coordinated with various Top Officials of Kenyan Government including H.E. Mithika Linturi, Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya and PS, Dr. Paul Ronoh, Principal Secretary State Department for Agriculture for release of these rice containers. In this regard, REAP highly appreciated the role of Mr. Jam Kamal, Hon. Commerce Minister, Mr. Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui, Federal Secretary Commerce and his team at MINCOM, Mr. Zubair Motiwala, Chief Executive TDAP and his team, H.E. Ibrar Hussain, Ambassador of Pakistan at Kenya and Ms. Adeela Younis, Commercial Counselor at Pakistan High Commission Nairobi (Kenya) for their excellent coordination with Kenyan Government through Diplomatic Influence and finally Kenyan Government has agreed to release these containers. Further, Kenyan Government has also announced 500,000 tons import duty free quota till 30th November 2024. This will be very beneficial to enhance rice exports from Pakistan to Kenya. REAP also appreciated the excellent and untiring efforts of Mr. Rafique Suleman, Ex-Chairman REAP & Convener, REAP’s Committee on Kenya. He always available to sort out the issues faced by business community and especially rice export sector. In past, he has also been contributing his significate efforts for issues being faced by Pakistani rice exporters at Kenya.