4th April, 2024, Mr. Allah Ditta Abid, Director General, Department of Plant Protection (DPP) called a meeting of all stakeholders at DPP Office, Karachi to discuss issues being faced by the exporters and their possible way out. From REAP, the said meeting was attended by Mr. Muhammad Raza, Ex-SVC REAP and Mr. Airf Ali Khan, Assistant Secretary REAP. Mr. Muhammad Raza highlighted various issues being faced by Rice Exporters including rejection of Pakistan Rice Cargo at European Union Destinations, whereas as per DPP protocols return back of such containers are not allowed to return back to Pakistan and need to divert some other destination which is causing hardship and huge losses to exporters.. The said issue was discussed in detail and DG DPP assured their full cooperation to resolve the matter by introducing new procedure for return shipments.