08/03/2024: Pakistan Single Window (PSW) organized PSW Refresher and Discussion Session at REAP Head Office, Lahore and on Zoom today. The session aims to provide an overview of PSW highlighting their latest initiatives and future projects. Additionally, they have also discussed and addressed any challenges, queries, or issues encountered by REAP Members. To ensure a comprehensive discussion, focal person from the Department of Plant Protection, Mr. Muzzammil Hussain is also present to provide insights from DPP perspective. The said session was jointly Chaired by Mr. Yawar Nawaz, Additional Collector Customs, Domain Officer, PSW along with Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan, Senior Vice Chairman REAP. Whereas, Mr. Chela Ram Kewlani, Chairman REAP has joint the session via Zoom, Pir Syed Nazim Hussain Shah, MC Members, Ch. Samee Ullah Naeem, Mr. Ali Narang, Mr. Muhammad Kashif-ur-Rehman, Secretary General REAP, PSW Officials and other REAP Members at REAP Head Office, Lahore as well as a large number of Members attended the said session on Zoom.