REAP Delegation lead by Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan, Acting Chairman REAP had meetings with Mr. Sualeh Ahmed Faruqi, Federal Secretary Ministry of Commerce and his team and Mr. Zafar Hasan, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Food Security & Research (MNFSR) and his Team, yesterday at Islmabad. REAP Delegation was comprised of Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan, Acting Chairman REAP, Ch. Samee Ullah Naeem, Ex-Chairman REAP, Mr. Muhammad Raza, Ex- Senior Vice Chairman REAP and MC Members Mr. Ali Narang and Mian Sabihur Rehman. REAP Team submitted various proposals and suggestions for upcoming Budget 2023-23 regarding waiver of various tax and duties on Agricultural equipments particularly rice plant machinery as well waiver on Sales Tax on electricity bills etc. In the end, Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan, Acting Chairman presented REAP’s Diary to Federal Secretary Commerce, Federal Secretary (NSFR) and Director General (Agro) MINCOM.